Thursday, April 7, 2011

#11- My research so far

I have decided to investigate and critically review the effect of the media on teenagers. I want to focus mainly on the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area because that is where I am from. My audience will be the parents of teens in Pennsylvania but could be on a larger scale to the entire United States.

Focusing more on my research so far I began with searching in google scholar the effects of tabloids on teens. I found this article:
 After reading over it I realized that it may not be the most reliable source but it does have an abundance of reliable sources cited in it that may be helpful in my research.
            Next, I found, from those sources, an article about how celebrities influence the population. ( I think that this will be helpful because it talks about celebrities which have a major affect on teens in American because of their popularity and how much they are admired by the general public.
            Another source that I found in the initial article was an article about eating disorders in men. I think that is important to bring up and has a lot to do with my topic of teens. After all, teens are more than half male and they are equally affected by the media and our culture. (
            As I searched the sources in the initial article I was sure to find sites that were .org or .gov because they are more reliable and I wanted to begin my research with the most reliable sources before looking at any opinion pieces.
            I then went back to Google scholar and tried searching the same topic of media effects on teenagers for another article. This time I found a book. The book is called Tabloid Culture. It talks about how tabloid came to affect the United State since pre-Reagan. I thought it was interesting to use some history to see how media is affecting teenagers and when it started (
            Another article that I found on Google scholar was an article about how the media influences sexuality. I think that this should be another important part of my argument because teen sex is a major concern in society in recent years and this topic will probably interest a lot of their parents (
            I think that so far what I read gave me a pretty strong opinion that United State media and tabloids are affecting children/teenagers in the wrong way. I want to find more sources that back up why media should be encouraging kids to be healthy and fit not skinny and tan. I have decided to write my article on the negative affects of Media in the United States today.

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