Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#1- past writing experience

During my freshman year of high school I had to read a book and write a five page response on an issue of the book. I loved the idea of this, because I love to read, pick apart what I’m reading, and think about it in more detail. I was excited to pick the biggest book that I could and pick an issue to write about. When the time came to choose a book I decided to read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. It was big enough to find a idea to write about and to discuss it in a lot of detail. After reading the book, I decided to write my essay on love and marriage. Soon I realized that this topic was much harder than I thought it would be. The book has many complex marriage and love situations. These situations were way too numerous for me to write about them all.  I then had to begin narrowing down the many topics and I finally decided to write about the main character Jane and her love interest. Since this was a five page paper, and one of my first major papers, I had to begin with an introduction, have five body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I realized that after I wrote an introduction and conclusion and came up with a topic sentence, the body of the paper seemed to flow quickly from my mind onto the computer. My teacher encouraged us to make many drafts and keep revising until we thought that we had no errors. I asked my parents to proofread, and went to my teacher as often as I could to make sure I had done everything correctly. Before this I had never envisioned myself to be much of a writer. I loved to read, but I wasn’t interested much in writing. After I finished this essay I realized that what I needed to do to write a good paper was pick a topic that I really enjoyed. From then on I chose topics that I was very interested in and had a passion for writing. This helped me to do increasingly better in Writing and English as I went through High School.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    You seem to have a strong grasp on how to conquer your own writing process - revision and hard work is always the key. In this class you will have the opportunity for multiple revisions.

