Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#4- Contested Word


a. Of a person or party: favoring, supporting, or advocating the republic as a form of state or government.

            This article defines Republicans as just one of the groups that are running for President and different political positions in the upcoming elections. It focuses on the number of votes and seems to primarily think of Republicans as needing to take over for the Democrats who haven’t been getting the correct job done. This article is about Republicans that want to get nominated and how that is happening. I think that this article and many others online and in the newspapers tend to skip over the real point of being a republican. Republican seems to be just another group like field hockey players, or Penn state teachers. This article completely overlooks the real meaning of the word Republican.

This article on the other hand is defining the root of what the word Republican means. It talks about how conservativism means a respect for republican principles and for tradition. I believe that the Republican Party should be defined more like this article and follow their principles. This article brings the word conservative and the word republican together. I believe that these words interlock and should be used together when one is trying to find the real meaning of republican values.
            This article speaks about the history of republican which I believe is important in the present and the future. Everyone thinks of the Republican Party as just that, a party that runs for office. I believe if republicans and other party members look back to the history of what it means to be republican, like this article does, it will have more meaning to them.

The second article that I have shown is more of my idea of the definition of the word republican. I think it summarizes the history of the values and goals of the Republicans. The first article is the belief that most people have today. It shows the statistics of Republicans, and how they are doing in the polls. This is a very shallow way of looking at Republicans and politics in general. I think that most people follow this way of thinking and their way of thinking should be changed. The definition of a Republican is not how they are doing in popularity but instead working toward that popularity because of goals for the good of the people and values.


  1. I agree with you that the second article better defines the word republican. There are many discrepancies between citizens and politicians on the meaning of republican in today's world, but the second article gives the original definition which I believe is more effective. The meaning of republican has dramatically changed over time so reverting back to how the word was meant to be used defines the word better.

  2. I completely agree that the second article gives the best definition for what it means to be republican. Partly why I agree might come from the fact that I have bias since I am a republican. Otherwise, I agree because republicans aren't just a party trying to get in office despite what some people may think. Although not all republicans are this way, most republicans have ideals and something they work for, and the second article defines those ideals.

  3. I also agree that the second article defines the word "republican" the best. The first article I feel falls back onto inferring that its audience already knows everything the Republican party stands for. The NY Times is trying to show how a republican can try to become a nominee. However the second article assumes its audience does not know anything about the word Republican and where it comes from, so it takes more time to explain its believes and motives.
